DC Comics Toys
Infinite Crisis Power Girl
By Hervé St-Louis
October 7, 2006 - 23:20

For almost 20 years, Power Girl’s history was a mess. Created in 1976, in All-Star Comics #58 as the younger cousin of the first Superman, also known as the Golden Age Superman or Earth Two Superman, Kara Zor-L’s history was wiped in the year-long mini-series known as the Crisis of the Infinite Earth published in 1985. Suddenly, Power Girl was no longer Superman’s cousin, but the daughter of an Atlantean mage from the past.

Only 2005's Infinite Crisis event allowed Power Girl to regain her history as the Kryptonian cousin of Superman. In celebration of her regained history and stature to preeminence in the DC Comics’ universe, toy maker DCDirect has created a new Power Girl action figure. It’s the second one they have created fro DC Direct, but this one is a vast improvement over the first version.

DC Direct states it on the packaging, the figure sculpted by Jon G.Matthews is inspired by artwork by Phil Jimenez who drew the Infinite Crisis mini-series. Phil Jimenez has a realistic style, close to George Perez’s, which is not always characteristic. Therefore, Power Girl, sporting a new suit since her 2005 mini-series, could be said to be the base inspiration for this figure.


Power Girl’s face is the highlight of the figure. At present time, she has to be the most beautiful female figure ever sculpted by one of DCDirect’s sculptor. Wonder Woman who is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the DC universe, is not as pretty. She literally looks like a real person. As for her sculpt, well, Power Girl has her trademark large breasts which huge. There are fine details on her suit, such as the zipper in her gloves and boots. Few DC Direct action figures has this type of detail.

When comparing Power Girl with the previous figure, she’s on another level of quality and detail. I don’t even dare think about posing the first figure next to the Justice Society. Here Power Girl is calm and secure in knowing her origins. Her body is muscular, but not manly. I don’t like how her arms leave her open to an attack, unless one bends the elbows.

Power Girl’s entire sculpt celebrates the art of asymmetrical design. Her hairs are parted on the left, while a cord, holding her cape crosses her torso from the top her of her left shoulder to her right armpit. Her cape is cut asymmetrically in the other direction, instead of being straight. Too bad her belt is not large enough to allow one to place it asymmetrically on her hips.


The paint application on Power Girl is not perfect. There are tiny spots all over her legs. Her hairs have a dirty yellow hue, with toning that’s not natural. Still, there’s gloss on her boots and gloves, but not on the rolled-up parts. That adds to the realism


Power Girl’s size is more in line with other DC Direct action figures. For a while all DC Direct action figures suffered from over growth. With Power Girl and other Infinite Crisis action figures, DC Direct is paying more attention to the scale of its characters in differing lines and releases. Power Girl is shorter than the JLA Wonder Woman but taller than most other DCDirect action figures.


Power Girl is stable. But being on high heels, I won’t vouch for her stability over a long time. Being very tall and having a heavy torso, she will lean on her back often. Of course, one could use the Infinite Crisis action figure stand to pose her, if they had thought of including some pegs with the set.


Power Girl has eleven articulations at the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ball joint head. Although the articulation is limited, it’s appropriate and doesn’t interrupt the sculpt. Twisting forearms would have been better with this figure. Her ball joint head allows Power Girl to bend her head in several directions, giving her much personality.


Power Girl is in PVC. However, she remains too fragile to be given to a young kid to play with. On her left shoulder, lies a shoulder pad, similar to the one she had in her early days.  Her cape is in rubber.


Power Girl comes with but an action figure stand. Before throwing away the package verify it carefully so that the pegs, who could be hidden in a small plastic bag can be found. That’s one problem with DCDirect’s packaging. They hide important pieces and withhold clear indications of all the that is included in the package.


The packaging for Power Girl is nice. The plastic cover has a round shape attached to a cardboard base. A sticker distinguishes the figure from others, although the encasing holding the figure inside is unique to Power Girl. Many action figure manufacturers like to insert capes in a small opening in the plastic mould holding the action figure. I don’t like them because removing the figure from the package.  The cape can be scratched.


DC Direct action figures are always more expensive than comparable Street Fighter and Marvel Legends action figures. A few stores sell these action figures at $12 but most sell them from $14 to $16. At this price point, it’s an expensive action figure that only fans of the character will purchase.


Of all the Infinite Crisis Wave One action figures, Power Girl is the most popular and best seller. Although released but a week ago, don’t think this figure will warm pegs in stores for long. This is a superior action figure and probably the most beautiful female action figure from DC Direct. If you want this figure, now’s the time to buy it. Power Girl is available only through stores who order from Diamond Comics, the exclusive distributor of DC Direct.





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