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DC Comics
Infinite Crisis # 1
By Koppy McFad
October 22, 2005 - 04:36
The INFINITE CRISIS is here! And after all the miniseries, tie-ins and preliminaries that DC has been using to build this up, some readers probably wish that DC would just get it over with already so we can get back to normal stories. Frankly, the hype has gone for so long that there is no way DC can possibly meet the expectations. Still, taken on its own, the story is quite exciting. It opens with the big three, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, arguing like kids in their ruined clubhouse. This gives a good picture of how vulnerable the DC heroes really are at this point. Then, to ram the idea home, we see a few old heroes get rather casually knocked off by the united villains. Alas, we all wish our favourites would be spared but these Crises are always occasions for cleaning house. The mystery of who is really behind this Crisis is nicely-maintained and the cliffhanger at the end should be a real treat to old-timers who remember the first Crisis. Jimenez's art is adequate but is frankly not on par with George Perez-- his obvious inspiration. The layouts aren't as imaginative and the human figures look rather bulky. While Jimenez's work is good, it also makes us wish DC had shelled out more money (and paid the medical bills) so they could actually use Perez.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20