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Johnny Raygun Quarterly #2
By Hervé St.Louis
May 31, 2005 - 18:16
In this quarterly episode, Johnny Raygun confronts the Friends of Evil, a group of villains with zombie henchmen bent on conquering the world. Johnny continues his irreverent pursuit for Justice and the Raygun organization. In the second story, Johnny gets to escort the beautiful daughter of Stavros Sartan to a movie. But as the blockbuster appears to bomb, something evil comes to its rescue.
Reading Johnny Raygun buying a laughter ticket. Although very simple and easy for kids to pick up, Johnny makes fun of all super hero genres without looking like it’s trying too much. I particularly enjoyed the super villain’s origin of Dr Sal Salinsky, the Salamander. In the next story, there’s a spoof on all blockbuster sequels that promise more than they deliver. For once, the directors and writers have to pay.
Woodall and Talbot worked on the first story. The comic book is angular and well inked. The creators have taken Great care to deliver solid storytelling. The Salamander’s origin has cool pencil illustrations that make one long for the textures it displayed, in the rest of the story. In the second story, Moutafis’s lines are looser and thinner, but very dynamic. It’s much closer to a comic strip look, but it’s pleasant, nonetheless.
Past Review:
Johnny Raygun Quarterly #1
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20