By Koppy McFad
July 29, 2006 - 03:54
The final showdown between Amos Fortune and his the Royal Flush Gang and the so-called "Detroit League" made up of lesser lights like Vibe, Gypsy and Steel. The tale is exciting enough but doesn't really have a center to it. Basically, Fortune uses his luck-endowing device to turn his group into super-powered versions of Tarot card characters after which, we get a typical super-smackdown between the League and the Gang. There is a look into the character of Gypsy, particularly her roots as a true gypsy. This helps broaden a rather ignored character but also seems to come out of left field. The final battle just seems rushed and Aquaman's involvement looks totally unnecessary. The art helps maintain the level of excitement but skimps on background. Speaking of excitement, all the female characters in this comic seem to have very prominent breasts-- including Gypsy who was suppose to be 14 at the time. And was it really necessary to show the fiery devil woman with spikey nipples?
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