Comics / Comic Reviews / DC Comics

Aquaman Sword of Atlantis #41

By Hervé St.Louis
June 3, 2006 - 17:52

Aquaman Sword of Atlantis #41
DC Comics
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Butch Guice

Arthur Curry, the new Aquaman discovers a new city ruled by no other than Mera, the former queen of Atlantis and divorced wife of the first Aquaman. Here she tries to recruit him as one of the new defendant of this outpost build on the ruins of Atlantis. However, some people in Mera’s entourage don’t want a new Aquaman in town. Will Arthur Curry survive his first underwater duel?

Busiek sets all the pieces of a classical adventure epic. Here the archetype is the old queen, a noble woman who presides over turmoil. Of course, this little duel is to set the stage for Aquaman’s inner strength. As much as I love Aquaman, I feel that Busiek is following a formula in this story. Sure, he respects continuity, but I’d rather see him create an epic I care about. Not just textbook case of a sword and sorcery epic.

The Atlanteans look more exotic than anything that came before in Aquaman’s world. I wonder past artists never indulged so much before. Guice here delivers some of the best work he has done in years. Of course, colourist Dan Brown is to be credited for giving the series such a unique look. If Busiek can pick up the pace with the writing, this series might become a classic, just like the Atlantis Chronicles.

Past Review

Aquaman #40

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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