Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

X-Men: Civil War #2

By Geoff Hoppe
August 23, 2006 - 11:59

In Civil War #3, we learned that the X-Men had agreed to stay out of the registration conflict. In return for their neutrality, they were promised peace, and several shiny new Sentinels were assigned to watch the Xavier Institute borders. As X-Men: CW #2 opens, Emma Frost is returned to the Xavier Institute by a sentinel. Beast, Iceman, Cyclops and Archangel have gone AWOL, deciding to fight against registration. X-Men: CW #2 takes place after the Stark Industries factory ambush of Civil War #3, as the rogue X-Men seek out the hiding place of the rebel 198. Meanwhile, Bishop’s team of Sentinels and S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives close in on the X-Men.

X-Men: Civil War #2 has an intriguing new take on cloning. Sure, nearly every Marvelite’s been cloned at one time or another, but X-men:CW #2 gives cloning a new twist. A human with a mutant symbiote living in his belly can create tiny voodoo dolls of someone, given a sample from the original, such as hair or fingernails (but the secret ingredient is love). The tentacled symbiote eats the sample, wait two hours, and voila: instant voodoo doll. General Lazer (formerly of Ben Stiller’s team in Dodgeball) has a doll of Cyclops made, and the conflict gets even more dangerous. As a result of this strategy, Bishop’s mutant powers will be pushed to the limit…

Penciler Yanick Paquette’s most intriguing feature is his ability to draw different subjects in different styles. His sentinels, high-tech military installations, and other technology-laden scenes all have clean lines. Contrastingly, he gives rougher edges to his human characters and natural landscapes. Paquette’s Sentinels are convincing, and have an anime-ish flair. Colorist Stephanie Peru contributes solidly to the atmosphere, giving each different setting a color scheme that sets the mood. This issue‘s colors gives it three distinct motifs. In scenes where the four X-men flee towards the 198, earth tones predominate. General Lazer‘s headquarters and interrogation room are green, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. base where Bishop’s team awaits marching orders is colored in cool, blue tones.

Worth the money?

If you’re into the X-Men, or Civil War, yes. If not, pass on this one.

Previous review:

Civil War X-Men #1

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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