By Hervé St.Louis
October 18, 2006 - 20:51
The cast continues its fight for survival and one for one of them, it’s the end of the road. What can one do when the plants and animals are all uncharted and no one the rules of nature don’t work? Food is not even as it would seem and trees have an unhealthy appetite moving organisms. Can the shipwreck gang survive another day, or will this be the beginning of the end for them?
This story continues to play with the personalities, depicting how humans try to organize and oppose each other on a secluded and strange place. Although part of the plot feels like Lost, there’s a good doze of Survivor in there too. At times, the plot is smart and adds little details, even if I keep having the feeling that I have read this story before.
The artwork is fine, and it’s easier to see what live actor or personality influenced Scott’s character designs. I don’t like that the characters look so much to known people because it reminds me too much that someone made this comic book to show some producer or studio what a cool concept it would be as a television series or a feature movie. I don’t like to read to read comic books that are intended to serve as nothing but sales pitch for Hollywood. About the cover, the less is said, the better.
X Isle #1