Comics / Press Releases

Chronos Commandos Preview

By The Editor
January 29, 2013 - 08:08

Titan Comics Releases Classified CHRONOS COMMANDOS Military Files!

As a valued member of the Chronos Commandos reserves, please find below a selection of partially-declassified orientation files, concerning the origin of the Chronos Commandos project and its current operational profile.

While the information contained within these briefings is deemed confidential and not for non-Allied eyes, you may freely share all relevant data with your fellow reservists and Chronos Commandos program applicants.

Ensure you display your clearance chit at all times, and please affix your Chronos Commandos unit affiliation badge to all relevant external and internal communications.


General C. Denham, B.S.

Special note:

Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #1 will hit comic stores on July 3, 2013.

Retailers and readers can order Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #1 from the March 2013 edition of Diamond PREVIEWS.

For more information on the Chronos Commandos project, visit:

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Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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