By Leroy Douresseaux
January 30, 2007 - 21:03
Mr. Charlie #107 enjoys The Spirit #2, and hopes to spread the word about this fine new series:
I still don't have any bad news to report, and that's killing the nattering nabob of negativity in me. Darwyn Cooke's relaunch of The Spirit is true to Will Eisner's original without being a bad copy, and Cooke modernizes without desecrating.
Visually, Cooke has P'Gell down pat, although as far as character goes, she seems a bit off. In this tale, "The Maneater," the origin story rings a bit hollow, giving an air of even the teensiest bit of honesty that rings hollow on P'Gell. Also, these Spirit stories are 22 pages (whereas Eisner's original Spirit stories were 8 pages long per episode), so Cooke seems to be leaning towards showing more of The Spirit's domestic/civilian side, Denny Colt. That's also a bit strange. However, I prefer Cooke's one major change - the new Ebony.
Meanwhile, Cooke has a superb duo of creative collaborators in inker J. Bone and colorist Dave Stewart. Bone's solid brushwork embellishes Cooke's pencils without losing the art's distinctive flavor. Except for the double-page spread on pages two and three, Stewart gives this series a Film-Noir feel, while his colors don't intrude on the series' crime story vibe.
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