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Stormwatch: Team Achilles #17
By Leroy Douresseau
November 23, 2003 - 09:43
If I couldn't have another Michael Golden cover for STORMWATCH: TEAM ACHILLES #17, I would certainly accept one by Golden acolyte Jason Pearson, a highly underrated cartoonist. And of course, another reason to buy is the goings-on between the covers. Although issue 17 is a big change in tone from #16, this story remains an exciting and entertaining read.
Maybe hiring television writers to script comics is a good idea on the parts of both Marvel and DC. Like husband/wife small screen scribes, DeFilippis & Weir (NEW MUTANTS), Stormwatch writer Micah Ian Wright creates strong and engaging characters, and his scripts have such solid story structure. Like his teleplay writing brethren, he also understands the subtle changes in mood that are not only appropriate to the plot, but also keep readers' interests piqued.
Pencil guy C.P. Smith is clearly having fun drawing this tale of an oft-reborn patriotic warrior and his assault on the U.S. Government. Smith, however, clearly has affection for his Stormwatch heroes. Superhero combat and special operations jams in comics have rarely looked this good. GRADE
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20