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Sojourn #31

By Kevin Scott
February 3, 2004 - 14:00

Of late the Quest for Aydens arrow fragments has been lost in the trials and tribulations they have faced. But this is a new adventure, so where will it take Arwyn, Gareth and Cassidy? From the cover, it would seem snow is involved.

Well we have a new arc and this is an intro into what will come. There seems to be something evil out on the prowl. The weird thing is, the killer was reported dead three hundred years ago. Edginton gives us look into the mind of Mordath and how he has viewed things recently. This is good, as we haven’t caught up with him for a while. The story seems a little short, but it does the job of warming us up, we just have to see how it plays out.

Land’s pencils as usual are a joy to look at. The opening panels capture the snow effects really well. And his maniacal depiction of Mordath really captures the mental pictures Edginton descriptions conjure up. Its also nice to see Arwyn in different clothes. The only thing that gets me sometime about Land’s work is, his expressions don’t always seem to match up with what the character is saying.

Report Card - C

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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