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DC Comics
By Koppy McFad
July 2, 2005 - 03:32
This issue finally gives an explanation of what is going on, not only in this miniseries but in the whole "Seven Soldiers" line of mini-series, all dealing with an invasion from an otherworldy race. Using the conversation of two investigators who question the Shining Knight, Morrison finally explains why this Shining Knight is completely different from the previous Shining Knight or what these 'sheeda' creatures are all up to. But while the story is imaginative and informative, like so many lengthy lectures, it tends to drag as well. Several panels are wasted on one investigator talking about her cognitive insights. There is also some confusion on how this relates to a cliffhanger in the last issue when the aliens were attacking some mystery figure who was caring for the knight's winged horse. Bianchi's art is exquisite, especially his depiction of a female FBI agent. He actually seems quite taken with her, giving this character a very expressive, lifelike face. But some of his action sequences are a bit jumbled. In some scenes, it is hard to say where the fight scene is taking place or how it relates to the plight of our hero.
Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12