Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

Secret War #1

By Nathan Patton
February 12, 2004 - 13:38

Forget the name. It has, as far as I know, absolutely nothing to do with the original two mini-series of a similar title. Instead of a large scale space battle starring virtually every character Marvel has, Bendis has taken the title and turned it into something on a slightly smaller, and well, more secret, scale. While this is the first of a five part, quarterly, prestige format, fully painted book, it’s definitely more intimate. So far the main character is Nick Fury, who is keeping most of the major plot points from the characters as well as the reader at this point. Still, this series gets my vote if for nothing other than including my favorite character—Ms. Jessica Jones.

Bendis is better known for his dialogue and character moments than his action. While there is a great scene at the beginning involving a major character and an explosion, the rest is what you might expect from a Bendis penned book. This seems to be the status quo for the first issue of anything he writes. He also spends more time than I would have liked explaining who the villains are and what they do. But, like Ultimate Six, I have a feeling we’re gonna get more action as the story progresses.

Italian artist Gabriele Dell’Otto has long been touted, by Marvel and Bendis both, as the find of the century. Not to bash the art but maybe they were referring to last century. Don’t get me wrong, I love his painting, but it’s not as fresh as I expected or desired. A major problem here though lies in the writing. I’m not sure Mr. Dell’Otto’s art is meant for mostly talking heads shots. Again, I expect this not to be much of a factor in May when the second issue is slated to come out.

Best Features: The intriguing nature of the story and the gorgeous painted art.
Worst Flaws: The art is tame, mostly because of the story.
The Flub: Spider-man—on the cover and nowhere else.

Rating: 7 /10

Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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