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Luba #6
By Leroy Douresseaux
January 16, 2004 - 14:57
I imagine that Gilbert Hernandez's LUBA could be used as a textbook to teach comic book writers how to write a massive story arc over several individual issues. The trick Gilbert would teach would be the ability to do so while making each individual comic a self-sustaining and satisfying read, so that if a reader missed an issue, he'd wouldn't feel lost trying to figure out the story.
Gilbert is so good, that he can juggle several storylines within a single larger story - usually the province of novelists. Gilbert would make a good teacher if more people read his comics. As it is, few do, fewer still pros and reviewers. In the mid-80's Alan Moore said that Gilbert was the best writer in comics. A decade and half later, that's still true, and far too many of us treat his work as if it were some Mexican-American novelty.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20