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Sojourn #30
By Kevin Scott
January 12, 2004 - 15:09
Last issue Gareth thought he'd found paradise and his own personal harem, but things went a bit wrong when the women turn into dragons. How will our fearless adventurers escape? And has Arwyn forsaken the quest for the fragments, even after Nevens warning.
The story was pretty good this issue. Some of the dialogue seemed a little forced, but other than that. Could things be coming to a head? Arwyn has now meet the mystery man Pallias, the guy who has been playing puppet master behind the scenes. The thing is, when she gets filled in with what's going on, will it matter. As, Gareth and Cassidy seem to be in just a spot of bother right now. The main problem though I think with this issue was that they confirmed something that could have been left dangling, teasing us for a while longer, to build tension.
As soon as you opened up the book, you were smacked with fill-in art team! It was just all wrong. Now, Richard's pencils weren't really the problem here. Yes they were different from Land's, but different doesn't mean bad. Now the problem was the colouring. It was too bright and flat, we're used to a more subtle, pastelie finish. So everything just seemed off from the start. It did get back to how it should when Arwyn came back, but ended how it started. Now, Richard's drew a really nice flashback sequence, which was black & white, which really showed his talent. It also showed the downside of the issue.
Report Card - C
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20