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Marvel Comics
District X #1
By Leroy Douresseau
July 25, 2003 - 13:10
Joe Quesada was standing in a cornfield one day when he heard a voice say, "If you make Marvel comic books that look like TV shows, they will come." And the cover of the new series DISTRICT X is verification that something like the aforementioned scenario likely happened. Judging from the first issue, District X looks as if it's going to be about cops working a dirty rough neighborhood where belligerent, ethnic, hip hop mutants live. The pigs will have to use their CSI/NYPD Blue/Law & Order skills to solve crimes committed by mutants against either other mutants or innocent (white) humans.
The script by David Hine is a professional effort. Marvel might think its hiring smarter writers, guys who've written for TV and film or who have written novels and short stories. However, they've basically hired guys to do what most comic writers have been doing since well-read and well-educated guys started writing comics in the late 60's and 70's - make unremarkable, moderately entertaining work.
Things wouldn't be so bland, however, if the art were more inspiring. Instead of the wicked, crazy artists who used to create fantastic comic landscapes, we have someone like David Yardin, whose painful like of imagination is perfect to delineate a soggy script full of talking heads.
Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20