Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics

Mary Jane #1

By Koncise an out :)
July 8, 2004 - 13:39


Whether she's going to school or hanging out with her friends at the Coffee Bean, Mary Jane Watson is always the life of the party. Join MJ, Harry Osborn, Liz Allen, Flash Thompson and Harry's nerdy friend, Peter Parker, as they experience the thrilling highs and the crushing lows of high-school existence

This was such a GREAT comic! Mckeever really draws you into the world of teen angst. You may say that so many shows have done this. The difference is, this isn't condescending or a bunch of kids trying to be so sophisticated and overly analytic. We get shown three sides of Mary-Jane Watson's world, two are obvious, but the third, the undercurrent of loneliness is crafted in so well. Mckeever also shows his skill in the fact that he gives us a really good feel for the supporting cast, in such a short time.

Visually, this felt so right. Miyazawa pencils are real nice, they have a cute but grown quality to them. Certain things such as the noises seem odd, but this is just a minor. The real thing that is great here is the visual direction. We get close ups at just the right time, focus on nervous hand shuffles. This fits in perfectly with the story. Then you have the facial expressions, subtle looks of doubt, Spider-man, shrugging his shoulder as a nervous reaction. This is perfect symmetry.

Report Card - A

Last Updated: August 31, 2023 - 08:12

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