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Marvel Comics
Rawhide Kid : Slap Leather
By Hervé St-Louis
July 6, 2003 - 15:09
There was supposed to be some controversy on the mini-series collected in this edition. I don't see it. I guess the Marvel Comics hype machine was doing it again . . . The Rawhide Kid is a Silver Age Western character whose series ran up to the late 1970s. Marvel, desperately seeking to be seen as progressive, and attempting to boost its new Max Line of mature comics, decided to make the character gay.
I can't say I blame them. The story made perfect sense. There was much of Will and Grace type of humour in this book. It was funny. All characters are self aware, in way that's impossible for a Western. Either they take themselves too seriously, like the Rawhide Kid and the villains, or they don't at all, like Toby, the sheriff's son. Ron Zimmerman, one of Marvel's new star writers does a good job here.
Comic book veteran John Severin's art is solid. I was expecting some of the controversy seeking artwork featured before Marvel published the book, but nothing was to be found. Severin's work resembles Tim Truman's and Moebius', although, it's not as original. Yet, I like his storytelling One always understands the action. My only question, is why, didn't he draw nipples on the Kid? Was that an inside joke
Rating: 10 /10
Last Updated: March 3, 2025 - 20:40