Comics / Comic Reviews / Marvel Comics


By Koncise an out :)
June 8, 2004 - 15:06


Jessica Jones, Ben Urich and Kat Farrell are brought together for their first assignment, with one and only one goal. To bring the killer of Terri Kidder to justice!

This was a really great feeling issue, from start to finish. The tones for every situation seemed so naturally right and fit without that feeling of being forced. Robbie's talk to the troops was touching and there was a real Alias moment with the whole Jessica, Luke conversation. Kat, Jessica and Ben working together had a real chemistry to it. But the moments of thought and realisation, that, that's where the Pulse of this issue was!

Bagley was with Bendis every step giving us pure goodness this issue. He nailed the sombre mood for the opening panels and there was a real sense of family. Like Bendis, he really gave us a great feel with the Jessica, Luke conversation. Bagley draws a real nice Iron Man and you had to love the scene when Kat, Jessica and Ben were contemplating who killed Terri.

Report Card - B+

Last Updated: January 17, 2025 - 08:20

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