Press Releases
DarkBrain, LLC Seeks to Change the Face of Webcomics
By The Editor
July 15, 2010 - 06:32
DarkBrain, LLC, an innovative new webcomics publisher, released today Cortex #3. The company, which is founded and run by Andrew Zar, opened its virtual doors on February 6, 2010. Producing 12 original series of comics, each has graphic novel quality art and a great story - but also includes voice-over narration, original music, and user choices and preferences that change the story itself. In addition to the monthly online magazine, DarkBrain also features four regular ongoing comic stories with new pages every Friday.
Cortex, an online magazine featuring full length comic stories, debuted in April with a free inaugural issue comprised of two full length stories and a series of short strips. In June, DarkBrain offered Cortex #2 at the cost of $4.99. July’s issue showcases two full-length stories including the pirate adventure “The Vat Vol. 2,” illustrated by Marvel and DC veteran Ernie Chan. In this issue readers learn more about the mysterious genie who appeared in Volume 1 and the history of Brainstorm’s captive, Velouria. Joining “The Vat Vol. 2,” Cortex #3 also features dramatic new art talent Renato Camilo illustrating The Butcher #1 "Reckoning." The Butcher is a brutal tale set in 230 BC and covers the expansion of Rome interests in Cisalpine Gaul. Rounding out the magazine is a short comic called Grace Comes Home #1 "Arrival" where Grace makes a dramatic return to Earth, seven years after her abduction. She is a little "different" now, and is also being hunted by a fire-spewing alien. Readers at DarkBrain can purchase Cortex #3 for $4.99 or get a magazine "six pack" that will include over 300 pages of art, voice and music for only $24.95.
DarkBrain produces edgy content designed specifically for PG-13 and R+-rated audiences, yet with a unique feature. The site utilizes a state of the art preferences system where readers control how intense they wish their viewing experience to be. DarkBrain.com was established to be a pro-artist studio, with artists both being paid for work up front in addition to receiving royalties. 50% of all sales go back to the artists. The business model is designed to break down the barrier of entry for independent comic authors and to have artists participate in growth right from the start.
SJS Comic Promotions is owned and operated by Promotions Consultant, Susan Soares. Opening its doors officially in 2009, Soares has been working in the comic book industry since 2007 as a part of Jolly Rogue Studios. The purpose of SJS Comic Promotions is to provide support and guidance to comic book creators in the areas of marketing and promotions of their properties. Currently SJS Comic Promotions represents Dandelion Studios, Fallenmage Productions, Big Bone Studios, Mustard Seed Comics, Dark Brain Comics, Jolly Rogue Studios and Three J Productions LLC. Soares is also a novice comic book writer with three short stories to be published within the next year.
For more information on DarkBrain, LLC or to become a member, visit http://darkbrain.com.
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