Marvel Comics
Ultimate Spider-man # 44
By Kevin Scott
August 21, 2003 - 14:32
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Brian Micheal Bendis
Penciller(s): Mark Bagley
Well, we all know the deal with this title. In October 2000 Marvel decided to launch the Ultimate Universe. This was a new up to date look at the Marvel characters. First up was Spider-man!
Once again Bendis has pulled out another great story. People may think I'm just another Bendis lover and I'd talk up anything he does. Well if you think like that you'd be wrong. For proof of his talent and the way he has made this an enjoyable story, all you have to do is read it, then try an tell me it's not well crafted. The dialogue is again top notch. The characters interact perfectly in relation to their situations and nothing seems out of place. Some standout moments this month were, the bit when Peter meets all the X-Men, the save with Kitty, Jean and Storm and how great was the mind thought (you'll see what I mean) bit at the end :) We learn more bout Geldoff in this issue and see a completely different side of Aunt May! Will Peter ever be the same after all this!?!
Bagley is a genius at bring words to life. Each month with the help of Art Thilbert, we are treated to some truly great art work. The panels fit together like a puzzle to form one great picture. Everything is captured, weather it be emotions, action or jus thought. I don't think we could really ask for more.
The only way to know a great book is to pick it up. Don't be left kicking yourself after the fact. Make yours Marvel…….Make yours Ultimate Spider-man!
Report Card – B
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