DC Comics
Superman/Batman #1
By Koppy McFad
August 21, 2003 - 09:48
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Jeph Loeb
Penciller(s): Ed McGuinness
Inker(s): Dexter Vines
Cover Artist(s): Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines
This comic comes with a lot of gimmickry, from two variant covers to the use of the wordless, combined logos of Superman and Batman as the title. As to why they simply didn't call the comic "World's Finest"-- well, the title of the first story is "World's Finest," as a nod to the fanboys.
Despite the gimmickry, the first issue is surprisingly good. It starts with a montage comparing the origins of Supes and Bats, showing their similarities-- how they were both orphaned, their dedication to their jobs-- and their contrasts, such as their conflicting world views. It gives a good summary of who the characters are, even to those of us who have known them for years.
This is followed with a battle with Metallo in a Gotham graveyard. Both in art and writing, this is one of the best depictions of Metallo in recent years. Instead of the Super-punching bag most of us are familiar with, Metallo comes off as a formidable and frightening figure who is still trying to pass for human even while his actions and appearance give evidence of his inhumanity.
Suffice to say, Metallo takes out Superman in a manner that fanboys have been suggesting for years. At the same time, there are brewing subplots like new questions as to the identity of the murder of Batman's parents and a giant kryptonite meteor that is hurtling towards Earth, much to Luthor's interest.
Perhaps it is because this comic is so straightforward and unassuming that it so entertaining. For once Loeb doesn't weigh his story down with issues of Batman's guilt, Superman's sense of duty, the horror of war, etc. It is just a rousing tale of heroes fighting evil. Perhaps the tone will change as this series continues but for now, it is off to good start.
One complaint: I assume this issue was completed before "Terminator 3" came out but did we really need to see another killer cyborg carrying a coffin through a cemetery?
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