past Tuesday I got a chance to take in my first ever Playstation
event. Excited to check out the games, but not really sure what I'd
see, I went in with rather mild expectations. It's not that I hadn't
heard about some of the games that would be coming for Playstation 3
or PSP this holiday season
Resistance 2, Prince of Persia, Shaun White Snowboarding
just that I'm not really a Playstation gamer. I've never gotten used
to the style of the DualShock controller, and I've always had other
systems to entertain me.
now, I'm quite happy with my Wii and Xbox 360 and don't plan on
spending the cash to purchase a Playstation 3. Most of the games I've
been looking forward to are also going to be available on multiple
platforms, so if this event was going to show me anything, I could
only hope it would present me with a good reason to praise the
Playstation platforms or, at the very least, get me interested in
the multiplatform games and tell you, good readers, that you should
pick them up on either Playstation 3 or whatever other system those
games are being launched for. To my surprise, it managed to do both.
started over at Ubisoft's booth and got a complete walk through of
the control systems in
Clancy's Endwar
launching November 4
certainly got a good feel for the game's
system and how the
will affect your strategy while planning attacks. I also noted that
the graphics in-game look far better than they do in those two linked
videos. More intriguing than the way Voice Command and Combat Chain
will change how you play is the very limited camera, which changes
depending on what types of troops you're using at the time. Switching
between your different troops or vehicles, you'll find very limited
views of the battlefield when using infantry to long range views when
using helicopters.

is certainly taking a different route when it comes to creating a
real time strategy game for consoles, and I'm liking it. If you have
an Xbox 360 (at least any model above the Arcade), you've got a
headset already. If not, or if you have a Playstation 3, a bundle
will be available with the headset included, and it really does
change how you play. When using the headset, all you need to do is
press one button, say your command and the game follows it. And the
game's voice recognition is quite impressive. Even surrounded with
all of the noise from the other games being played during the show,
the game was still able to pick up commands quite clearly and
quickly. If you want to play without a headset, that's fine too, as
all of the commands have been mapped for quick access on the D-pad.
If I was still into real time strategy
be on my to-get list.

I took a step over to
White Snowboarding
launching November 16
Having already seen this title at
E3 Review
I wasn't expecting to see much more than the same version I saw at
X'08, and I didn't. The game looks just as great and the controls are
just as unique. I'm a little concerned about having to use the R2
Trigger for jumping instead of the A button, but I do understand that
Ubisoft mapped the controls that way because you've got to use both
analog sticks to control the board and carving. I did get a
confirmation about the maximum number of players that will be able to
connect online simultaneously. That number has been capped at 16. I
was told that the development team tried to pump it up to 32 players,
but the gameplay was not up to standard and there were too many
connection difficulties, including dropped connections and the
inability to connect to a game in the first place.

also got to try my hand at the recently announced PSP version for the
first time. The PSP version takes the looks of the Wii version, maps
in intuitive controls specifically for the PSP – every button is
mapped to a movement or trick in its direction on the PSP – and
throws in challenges for Speed, Carving, Air and Tricks on top of the
regular race and trick events and challenges. All this is spread out
across five different mountains in five countries across the globe.
on what I've seen from all of the different versions, I'm ready to
recommend any of the versions of
White Snowboarding
last Ubisoft offering I checked out at the event was
of Persia
a title I couldn't wait to try, and now that I've played it, a title
I can't wait to have on my shelf. Ubisoft started fresh with this new
of Persia
creating an all new prince, in a separate universe from the three
previous titles, accompanied by a fresh, semi-cel shaded art style.

new prince has a magical partner, Elika, who can help him fight, fly
through portions of levels or save his life. The first thing I noted
while playing through the demo Ubisoft was showing was that you can't
actually die in the game. Elika saves you every time. Instead of the
prince dying and you having to load from the last checkpoint or save
point, Elika saves you and takes you back to the beginning of the
puzzle or jump area you were attempting to complete. If you're in a
fight, she will save you and your enemy's health bar will regenerate.
Speaking of fights, the development team took a serious turn with
this new title, eliminating massive fights with multiple enemies and
flowing acrobatic moves, instead opting for one-on-one (or two-on-one
if Elika is included) duels. There are plenty of combos you'll be
able to pull off while fighting

enemies, including ones with Elika,
and others using the terrain to your advantage. You can force enemies
into walls or throw them off ledges, giving you the upper hand in a
I'm not sure that the duels only route was such a great choice
though. It eliminates the issue of “the only way to make things
more challenging is by adding more enemies”, but it also means that
the only fights you'll end up having are duels. It's cool and
challenging, sure, but why not have both? At the very least, it would
mix things up and give players the chance to pull off some cool
acrobatic kills.
has also updated the prince's move set for wall climbs, wall runs and
other non-combat actions. You'll now find rings and a number of other
objects that the prince will be able to grab onto or swing off of and
make his way from point to point. He can even crawl on ceilings for
short periods. There are also power pads in some areas, which Elika
can use to transport you further through levels. This part is almost
a minigame, where you don't have control over the overall course, but
dodging and pressing the launch button at pads in the middle of a

I only got a taste of what the full
of Persia
especially because I couldn't hear the dialogue since the room was so
loud, I can't wait to get my hands on the final version once it's
available this December. Ubisoft's holiday lineup is looking quite
Cry 2
also launching in a couple of weeks, and that is looking great as
well. Of course, I only touched on the Ubisoft portion of the event
so far, but I'll have more later this week, after the next set of
holidays, including
Edge, Killzone 2
Axe: Beast Rider