Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist:
Starring: Michael Cera, Kat Dennings, Aaron Yoo, Rafi Gavron, Ari Graynor, Alexis Dziena, Jay Baruchel
Directors: Peter Sollett
Writer: Lorene Scafaria
Executive Producers: Adam Brightman, Joseph Drake, Nathan Kahane
Producers: Kerry Kohansky, Andrew Miano, Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Rating: MPAA – PG-13 for mature thematic material including teen drinking, sexuality, language and crude behaviour
Distributor: Columbia Pictures and Mandate Pictures
and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, a comedic romp of teenage romance,
was neither exceptionally hilarious nor passionately romantic. In
fact, it is safe to say that the movie was entirely average. The
story was nothing special and the acting just complemented that.
There were moments of laughter and cute romanticism but they were
short lived and were followed by boring stretches. As well, the movie
was riddled with flaws that I thought would get resolved, but were
left as plot holes. If it wasn’t for those comedic scenes this
movie would be horrible. Instead, it is below average.
movie opens when a popular band, “Where’s Fluffy”, challenges
their fans to find their secret venue somewhere in New York. Nick
(Cera), a recently heartbroken and sole heterosexual member of a band
named “The Jerk-offs”, and Norah (Dennings), a responsible, down
to earth, daughter of a major record label mogul who is constantly
looking out for her drunk friend Caroline (Graynor), come together
with the help of Nick’s band mates, in an adventure to find the
well admired band's venue. Along the way Caroline gets lost, and
Nick, his homosexual band mates and Norah, find themselves on a dual
quest to find the missing girl and the secret concert. At the same
time, Nick’s ex-girlfriend Tris (Dziena) is on her own mission to
get him back.

aptly plays an awkward, love torn teenager, full of subtle witty
retorts, whose role accounts for the majority of the comedy and
romance in the film. If you want a clear understanding of who his
character is, just watch every other movie Cera has been in. He is
not a bad actor per se; it just feels like his role is very typecast.
The rest of the cast, although playing important roles in the film,
are mainly there to push Cera along. The point being that the acting
in this film was nothing special. No one stood out and no one was
bothered me about this film were the obvious plot holes. First, the
age of the characters in the film were around seventeen or eighteen,
and yet they managed to get into clubs and bars. I would understand
if these were all age clubs, but they made no mention of it, and yet
they never once were asked to present ID. The movie should not have
progressed like it did because they should not have been allowed into
clubs to begin with. Second, there was a point in the film where Cera
finds Dziena on top of his car when he returns after leaving it on a
random street. How did Dziena manage to find the car? She wasn’t
with him when he left it there, and New York is quite a large city.
In fact, she makes it a point to ask the cab driver to take her to
his car, but she has no idea where it is. As well, there is an
intimate scene between Cera and Dennings that makes little sense
because their pants were on the entire time. This can be seen when
they get up and the only thing off is that their flies are undone.

made me come to the realization that this movie was not made for
people who are interested in a hilarious comedy or a plot driven
romantic film. Rather it seems to be directed at teenagers who are
more interested in a make-out movie. The average story and acting
alongside the intermittent comedy and romance come together to make a
perfect film to space-out in. With this new outlook, the plot holes
become a non-issue since the intended audience won’t be paying
attention anyways. If you are not a hormonally charged teenager,
while you might laugh occasionally, you will still find the majority
of the movie rather boring.