Comics News
Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, Time Travel
By The Editor
December 3, 2005 - 17:43
QUANTUM: Rock of Ages" has established itself as solid Sci-Fi reading. The sixth instalment of the series is now available and raising the eyebrows of all who read it. The content of QUANTUM #6 is definitely hot, introducing a very sexy and controversial element into the mix.
QUANTUM #6 marks the debut of the character Blu, a steamy sensualist who hails from an alternate timeline where the racial "pecking order" has been reversed. Writer Philip Clark explains, "in Blu's reality, African slaves and Native Americans banded together to revolt against Anglo-American settlers and slave owners. Now the tables are turned, with all of these other races dominant and thriving and Caucasians being forced to deal with a prejudice and adversity that they've rarely been accustomed to." Blu is definitely a take-charge kind of character, marching to her own drummer and frequently condescending her fellow predominantly white quantum bearers. Clark hopes the character will add to the short list of strong black female characters that currently exist in comic book continuity.
Part "Clerks," part "Sliders," "QUANTUM: Rock of Ages" follows the adventures of Nick Vargas, a jaded musician turned unwitting hero. Nick is given super powers and taken on the ultimate cross-time thrill ride by a bizarre gemstone, the Quantum Silica. During his quest he encounters other characters that are also affected by the fragmented "Quantum." Each fragment offers a unique power to Nick and his counterparts, and they must band together to save the universe from peril. Toss in a diabolical nemesis, some quirky pop-culture humor, and QUANTUM makes for a highly enjoyable read.
"This is the type of comic book that is impossible to put down." -Silver Bullet Comics
"Philip Clark is an up and coming creator to watch out for." -David Mack
"Fun, utterly unpredictable, and marching to its own beat." -Newsarama
"This is the sort of thing I wish Marvel and DC could do more frequently."
-Four Color Explosion
QUANTUM: Rock of Ages #6 (32 pages, $2.99) is available to order from the QUANTUM website, Cold Cut Distribution, FM Distribution, The SPA website, MIdtown Comics and Jim Hanley's Universe.
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