Montreal Comiccon Interview
By Patrick Bérubé
September 8, 2010 - 21:26
The Montreal Comiccon starts will be held september 11th and 12th 2010 and Con organizer Oscar Yazedjian was kind enough to take some time to answer some of our questions.
Comic Book Bin: First of all, what can you tell us about the Montreal Comiccon?
Oscar Yazedjian: The Montreal Comiccon is an event that is held once a year. It groups comic books, bande dessinée, anime, sci-fi, Magic and horror fans. There are local and international creators, celebrities, exhibitors and an array of special activities.
CBB: When and why did you start organizing the Montreal Comiccon? Did you felt it was something that was missing in Montreal?
Oscar Yazedjian: We started running the Montreal Comiccon four years ago, but it started getting bigger last year, with more advertising and branding efforts put into it. We wanted to offer Montrealers the same kind of events that are held throughout the United States and the rest of Canada, for instance the San Diego Comiccon, the New York Comiccon, Wizard World, Fan Expo (Toronto), etc. A Comiccon was obviously missing from the Montreal scene. Some attempts were made in the past to organize a Comiccon in Montreal, but they failed, maybe because of the angle the event was presented. Our public here is different from the other ones, i.e. we have to take into consideration both cultures, francophone and anglophone. Thus, we must adapt the event and offer something that will please both publics. That is why this year, we put a strong emphasis on French/local/francophone artists.
CBB: How did come up with the idea to invite both European and North American creators to your event? I always thought that Montreal should be the meeting place for these two groups but I don't believe anyone else before you actually did it.
O.Y.: It was only natural to blend the both, since Montreal has such a great European and North American influence.
CBB: Most blogs or news sites who wrote about your 2009 event had pretty good words about it. How do you explain that? What do you think make your convention so enjoyable for both attendees and guests.
Oscar Yazedjian: The fact that the staff is friendly, the creators and guests are talented, exhibitors offer great products and also we have kept the admission cost really low to make sure everyone can enjoy it.
CBB: Like many others comic book conventions you also branch out in other media and activities such as movies and card games. How do you think this diversification is important for a comic book convention?
Oscar Yazedjian: It's important because at the end they are medias that mix very well, and the fans could enjoy different activities while at the event.
CBB: Where would you like see your event in 5 or 10 years? Would you like it to grow up and gain a more prominent status or are you happy with how things are right now?
Oscar Yazedjian: Similar events in United States and rest of Canada attract large number of attendees, thousands being tourists. It would be great for us and the city of Montreal if we can bring the Montreal Comiccon to that level.
CBB: Do you have any goal for this year and what do you think will be the highlight of this event?
Oscar Yazedjian: There will be many highlights this year. From local to international artists and guests, the Back to the Future Delorean, to special movie screenings, live wrestling, Q&A sessions, a charity auction and the many exhibitors showcasing their products.
Our goal is to ensure all attendees get their money's worth and enjoy a full day of fun and entertainment, in hope of making this event grow.
Of course, the Montreal Comiccon is listed in the ComicBookBin apps for iOS, webOS and Android.
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