X-Factor #28
X-Factor Is Torn Apart!
In the wake of the pulse-pounding
Messiah CompleX, X-Factor is left in shambles. An
X-Men: Divided We Stand tie-in,
X-Factor #28 brings the team to what may be their point of no return, as the acclaimed creative team of writer
Peter David (
She-Hulk) and artist
Pablo Raimondi take the mutants to the their limits! With Layla seemingly lost, Wolfsbane leaving to join X-Force (unbeknownst to her teammates) and someone else pregnant, the team embraces a brand-new direction!
Guilt-ridden Madrox has one thing on his mind—vengeance—and he’s got the Purifiers in his crosshairs. But after his harrowing trip to the future, is he headed on a suicide mission? Meanwhile, Rictor and Strong Guy must move forward, but not without a few fists thrown first!
Is Layla Miller really gone for good? Someone on the team knows something and isn't sharing. Find out who knows what, which team member is departing and which team member has a surprise baby on the way in X-Factor #28!
X-FACTOR #28 (DEC072224)
Written by PETER DAVID
Rated T+…$2.99
FOC—1/24/08, On-Sale 2/13/08
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