Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) announced the North American
release of
today, the Playstation 3 exclusive sequel to Guerrilla Games'
Playstation 2, post apocalyptic first-person shooter.
brings players back to the hostile fight between the ISA and Helghast
army. With the battle of Vekta still fresh in their memory, the ISA
troops must traverse the hostile planet of Helghan on a mission to
secure capital city, defeat the formidable Helghast troops, and
capture the Helghast leader, Emperor Visari. Sony says that players
“will be immediately thrown in to battle, experiencing a visceral
combat experience with intense gameplay moments that will provide
hours of challenging extensive single-player and multiplayer game
play action”.

addition to the single player campaign,
Killzone 2
robust offline and online multiplayer feautres. “Warzone” will
cycle through five different mission objectives and game modes to
keep players on their toes. Online battles allow up to 32 players to
engage in competitive combat, featuring a unique customizable badge
system that lets opponents combine abilities from six available
player classes. Clan creation will also take a new step by allowing
player clans to wager Valor points with the winner taking all and
utilizing points as currency within the online universe. Players can
create tournaments and clans, keep tabs on stats and overall
rankings, and view replays of key battles through integration with
is available exclusively for
Playstation 3 and is rated M for Mature.