DC Comics
Justice League Classified #1
By Koppy McFad
November 8, 2004 - 13:56
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Grant Morrison
Penciller(s): Ed McGuiness, Dexter Vines
Cover Artist(s): Ed McGuiness, Dexter Vines

Morrison makes a grand return to the Justice League, but he is still out to show that he does things differently. The Justice League barely make an appearance in this issue which focuses on the Ultramarines, a group of heroes that Morrison introduced during his first run on the JLA. The Ultramarines in their floating city, are making short work of Gorilla Grodd somewhere in Africa, only to discover that it is all a trap as a mystery villain makes his appearance. Only then is Batman brought into the story-- to promptly inform us that the rest of the League is missing in some pocket universe. This is a story brimming with new ideas, scenes of wonderment and action and even some great characterization of the Ultramarines crew so that we get the full idea of who they are in only a few panels. Portions of the battle with Grodd are a bit disjointed but Morrison and the dynamic art of McGuiness and Vines keep the story moving so fast, these glitches can be easily glossed over. What can't be glossed over is the feeling of being shortchanged. Just when the story begins to really catch steam, the comic comes to an end and we are left waiting till next month to even see some simulation of the League in action. Perhaps an oversized first issue was required here. Or at least Morrison could have started off with the League getting stuck in the cockamamie pocket universe.
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