Marvel Legends
Iron Fist
By Hervé St-Louis
June 11, 2006 - 23:12
Iron Fist is Daniel Rand, an orphan raised by mystical monks in the mystical city of K'un L'un that lies in another dimension, after his mother died, protecting him. There he learned martial arts and kung fu in particular, becoming the top student. He returned to civilisation to avenge his mother’s death caused by the betrayal of his father’s former business associate. Iron Fist first appeared in
Marvel Premiere #15 in 1974.
The Iron Fist action figure is almost an exact replica of the classic version of the character drawn by Gil Kane. Although there have been other Iron Fist costumes over the years none have been so pervasive this one. The suit has also had little stylistic changes over the years. One such variation is Iron Fist’s collar which is rounder in the action figure. The tattoo has no changed much. The red version of Iron Fist is based on the time Iron Fist wore red in shame for the destruction of the mystical city of K'un L'un.
Iron Fist looks acrobatic and slim, however his built is larger than other slim Marvel Legends action figures like Daredevil. The shapes look softer and less detailed than past action figures. He look like he could fight any opponent to a stand still.
The paint job is not impressive. Iron Fist’s mask has neat shading but the rest of the figure has few shading. Most of the figure’s part is in the base plastic. One Iron Fist’s skin, there is a tanned toning. The tattoo on his chest and his skin doesn’t look good and doesn’t match the other colours. There are lots of spills and paint bleed on the figure.
Iron Fist has the same size as most Marvel Legends action figures. He is a little taller than Daredevil, the Astonishing X-Men Wolverine and X-23 but shorter that Bishop which is the only other regular size figure in this wave.
Iron Fist is very stable, but his articulations can get in the way of stability. Marvel Legends does not include peg holes in its action figure which is a mistake. Fortunately, his feet are flat and his proportions well balanced.
I counted 33 articulations on Iron Fist, at the neck, the shoulders, the biceps, the elbows, the forearms, the wrists, the fingers, the abdominal, the waist, the hips, the thighs, the knees, the calves, the ankles and the toes. The shoulders have hidden articulations extending the reach of the arms. The elbows and knees have double articulations. The shoulders and hips have ball joints.
The plastic is softer than in the past which blurs details. However, the figures are tougher than in the past and the articulations hold better. The plastic doesn’t seem like it’s PVC.
There are two flame components that fit loosely on Iron Fist’s hands made is translucent rubber-like material. They don’t stay well on his hands making them almost useless. A snap on feature on something similar to Sota’s energy props on Ryu, Guile and M.Biron would have been better additions. Iron Fist comes with a copy of Iron Fist # 8 and the right leg of the Apocalypse gestalt.
The figure comes in a bubble package with a cardboard inserted inside. To open the package, scissors are necessary. The shards from the package can cut so be careful. Parents should open the package for children instead. There are images
Iron Fist cost from $7 to $12 depending on the store. Specialty retailers sell Iron Fist for more than large surface stores.
There is a rarer red variant of Iron Fist with a different head. The green version is easier to find. Because Iron Fist is not a popular character, this figure is easy to find. However, an Iron Fist is in discussion and could make this figure sought after by collectors.
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