much as it pains me to admit this, I actually watched Harry
Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
Well, it wasn’t watching as much as half falling asleep from
boredom. First off, I must confess that I am no fan of the series; I
did not enjoy the books, of which I only read the first four. I do
not remember much of them, nor do I care to, for I found them to be
supremely simple, unintelligent, grammatically inferior pieces of
drivel. On top of that, I thought the story lacked any originality or
depth. There is nothing interesting or distinct about wizards in
their most cliché guise (magic wands, gibberish spells, flying
broomsticks, etc). I did see the first four films, but did not see
the fifth, again, due to lack of care. Though they were aesthetically
pleasing, they lacked profundity or any other adjective that could be
attached to a “good” movie. However, this film took it a step
further by purging the one aspect that I kind of enjoyed, the visual
story is not easy to explain because I don’t think the movie itself
knew what the story was. I mean, the novel was called The Half Blood
Prince, but it was in no way the underlying theme of this movie.
There is a mention of it at the beginning because Harry, in his
infinitely coincidental life, picks up the one copy of a textbook
that has the name “The Half Blood Prince” scribbled on the inside
cover. Hermione and Ron begin to worry about Harry’s growing
dependence on the book, which could be quite an interesting plot, and
if that were the course of the rest of the film I might have been
intrigued. However, after twenty minutes or so the whole debacle is
pushed aside and the movie turns into a half decent love story, which
in itself only lasts about forty-five minutes. But that is also not
so bad. If the movie focused on those two stories, I might have
retained some form of interest. Unfortunately, a third plot emerges
where Harry is ordered to become friendly with a returning professor
to gain insight into his past, namely his relationship with young
Voldemort. And, of course, Dumbledore dies!

problem, I found, was that the movie kept on jumping around. It would
focus on one story, but then it would lose interest and jump to
another, as though it suffered from severe ADD. It felt so
unbalanced, so, if I may, higgledy-piggledy. Nevertheless, seeing as
how the movie was over two and a half hours long, something must have
happened of some substance right? The answer: I do not know!
sat through the entire thing and have very little understanding of
what went on. Granted I am not well versed in the Harry
universe, but what happened in the movie was not well explained,
leaving me questioning nearly every step of the way, why is
he/she/they doing this? For example, at one point Harry and
Dumbledore are trying to find a horcrux (which they never
sufficiently explained, but I will get to that in a minute), when
they hit a snag and Dumbledore must drink a bowl of this strange
liquid in order to acquire the object. Apparently the liquid acts as
a kind of force field, preventing anyone from just reaching in and
grabbing whatever is contained within it. Furthermore, the liquid
causes the drinker to suffer quite adverse side effects. The obvious
question arises, why must it be drunk? All Dumbledore said was that
he had to drink it, but he never explained why that was the only
method of emptying the bowl from the liquid. I am sure it was
mentioned in the book, but I was quite confused.

regards to the horcrux, if they are the way to destroy Voldemort, why
not focus on them to begin with? Why go through six books of
dangerous, seemingly pointless adventures, if the only way to kill
him is by destroying these objects? This is the most important part,
the way to successfully destroy the bad guy, and it is only mentioned
six books/movies into the series. Seems kind of stupid to me. Though
I am sure there is a reason for this that some Harry
loving friend of mine will ever so happily elucidate for me. But, as
I said earlier, I don’t honestly care.
only aspect of the film I was able to follow was the love story. It
contained two separate love circumstances, Harry and Ginny, and
Hermione and Ron, and though they were wrought with platitudes, they
were at least somewhat tolerable. Aside from that, the only other
thing that kept me from falling asleep was Emma Watson. She grew up
to be quite the looker!
a cinematic perspective, the movie was also disappointing. Scenes
dragged on for far too long, music and cinematography were nothing
special, and though there were some visually pleasing scenes, it was
not nearly enough to keep me from head bobbing. I was hoping to see
cool magic fights, maybe some glorious mythical creatures,
explosions, car chase scenes, anything to keep me entertained, but
no. There were a few points where wands were used in battle, but they
were dull and short lived.
probably should have forewarned that the fans of the series would
probably not want to read this review. For that, I do apologize.
However, for the rest of you out there who, like me, don’t care
much at all for this cash cow of a franchise, do yourself a favor and
forget this movie even exists.