Electronic Arts' EA Play label and Warner Bros. Interactive
Entertainment announced today that the Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video
game will be releasing worldwide this week. When this week? Some time
this week! If it makes things any easier for you though, we can say
that it has already shipped. So you could see it on store shelves as
early as tomorrow morning or early afternoon. It really depends on
when shipments arrive at your local video game retailer. As things
tend to go with most Electronic Arts games, the “release
date” (which, in this case was supposed to be today) tends to
be the ship date. Don't ask us why, we don't get it either.

Chasing down the Golden Snitch in the Wii version.
you can return to Hogwarts once more, to help Harry and friends
survive another year at the constantly endangered wizardry school.
Master gesture-based spell casting and explore the Hogwarts grounds
(reproduced precisely from the blueprints designed for the film),
the heights of the Astronomy Tower to Professor Slughorn’s Potions
classroom in the depths of the dungeons. You'll even be able to visit
more “iconic” locations, including the Gryffindor common room and
the Great Hall.
importantly though, the gameplay mechanics have received some
upgrades. You'll now be able to move while casting spells for the
first time, which should make for some intense wizard duels. You can
also take to the skies for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and, in
addition to spell-casting and flying, you can put your potion-mixing
skills to the test, learning how to mix and brew magical ingredients
in Potions class.

The grand staircase, from the high def version.
seems the team is most excited to see what players think about the
Wii version of the game. EA Play Label's Vice President and General
Manager Casual Studios, Harvey Elliot, said, “We are very excited
by the fact that fans will be able to use Nintendo’s Wii Remote
controller as their wands. Casting charms and jinxes – Stupefy,
Wingardium Leviosa, Accio and Petrificus Totalis among others – has
never been easier or more realistic. This is definitely the most
authentic translation from the movies and fiction that we have ever
produced; the fans are going to love it!”

Nintendo DS version
the Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video
game is on your pick up hit list, we would suggest giving your local
video game retailer a call before making the jaunt over there to pick
it up. Unless you're intimately (see: eerily) familiar with their
shipping schedules, it should save you a trip if it hasn't arrived
yet. The Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video
game will be available for Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3,
PSP, Wii, PC and Mac and is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and up. It
will also be available in various handheld versions, for Nintendo DS,
PSP and mobile platforms, with an E for Everyone rating. Prices vary
by version.