Green Lantern Corps # 1 cover art
This long awaited follow-up to the Green Lantern Corps: Recharge series has finally hit shelves. It joins two other GL books – the monthly Green Lantern which focuses on ring slinger Hal
Jordan (with cameos by his fellow Lantern, John Stewart), and the 12 issue maxi-series Ion which features Kyle Rayner. The new GL Corps series seeks to provide a platform for the many other Green Lanterns to shine. It is a space-spanning look at the DC Universe’s largest police force.
The script for this book is fast and frenetic – and it fits the subject matter perfectly. Gibbons knows his characters very well, and as the story unfolds at a fast clip, the precise dialogue and character interaction reveals a tightly shaped world of heroes that seek to fulfill their assigned duty.
The issue begins as Lanterns Myrrt and Natu tear through space in order to get to their latest assignment on Betrassus. The revelation Natu experiences there will continue to reverberate throughout the initial three issue arc of the series. The story has been constructed in such a way that one need not read the preceding mini-series, but if one has, Natu’s frustrations in this issue will likely carry further emotional resonance. Fan favourites Guy Gardner and Kilowog are present, as is Salaak. When
Gardner calls Salaak ‘picklehead’ out of frustration, readers are reminded that even the most excessive makeover has not changed our Guy. He can still be a jerk.
Gleason’s pencils are just dandy – he has a unique style that is easy on the eyes, and it flows well. It jives perfectly with the intergalactic space-faring the various characters undertake, and it is well complimented by Prentis Rollins’ inks. Moose Baumann’s colours are dominated by the Lantern green, as well as Rollins’ blacks. This makes perfect sense, considering this book is a GL story set in space.
The verdict? If you are a GL fan, give this book a shot. If you are not into Green Lantern, you should still take a peek – you might just like what you see. As an added bonus, many retailers have a free plastic GL power ring to give away with each copy sold. Ask your comic shop about it if you make a buy. I’m wearing mine as I type this. I’m wearing my GL shirt too, but that’s just a coincidence – I swear!
Feed my ego by sending me your comments and criticisms. Mmm.