Photographic image of Dash Shaw
Dash Shaw at Fantagraphics Bookstore on Free Comic Book Day
One of America’s most provocative cartoonists and animators will appear at Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery. Dash Shaw will discuss his work, screen animated shorts, and sign copies of new publications at a reception on Saturday, May 4 at 6:00 PM at Fantagraphics’ lively space at 1201 S. Vale St. in Georgetown.
Shaw is the creator of several highly regarded comix and graphic novels including Bottomless Belly Button in 2008. The artist followed that success with The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., a collection of short stories combined with documentation of his dazzling animated shorts for IFC.com.
The artist will discuss his work and screen short animations including Seraph, which premiered at the recent Sundance Film Festival. He’ll sign copies of his new comic book 3 New Stories and his ambitious hardcover graphic novel New School.
This event coincides with Free Comic Book Day, a national promotion intended to expose new audiences to the joys of comix. Fantagraphics Bookstore will issue an exclusive 16-page Freak Comic Book mini featuring a stellar cast of local alternative artists. Edited by Intruder contributor Marc Palm, the book includes new works by Max Clotfelter, Kelly Froh, Eroyn Franklin, Tom Van Deusen, Ben Horak, Darin Shuler, David Lasky, Aidan Fitzgerald, Pat Moriarity, John Ohannesian, Max Badger, and James Stanton. As May 4 is also widely recognized as “Star Wars Day” – (ahem, “May the Fourth Be With You”) – the mini concludes with touching tributes to Yoda by Peter Bagge, Ellen Forney, Jim Woodring, and Kazimir Stzrepek. Freak Comic Book is limited to 100 copies. Many of the contributing artists will be in attendance to sign their work. “This is the comic you’re looking for.”
Listing Information:
Saturday, May 4, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Dash Shaw screening animated shorts and book signing
May 4 is Free Comic Book Day.
Drop by for an exclusive minicomic by local cartoonists
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery
1201 S. Vale Street
Seattle, WA 98108 | 206.658.0110
Open daily 11:30 to 8:00 PM. Sundays until 5:00 PM
www.fantagraphics.com | www.facebook.com/fantagraphicsbookstore