Echo’s From Da Void!?!

So the deal is this, at the beginning of each month I’m gonna throw something at ya. OK, well now it’s your chance to voice your views. All you have to do is drop me an e-mail. And for the rest of the month we’ll be having a nice little discussion. You wont be edited, it’s all you, but play nice!
Chapter 2.1
Easy Cats
I wasn't sure what to write about for the second topic, so I asked Hervé and he said "Why don't you write bout the best thing ever created………you can never go wrong with a little T&A" I thought great, I'll write a discussion on chocolate fudge cake, but what's T&A got to do with fudge cake!?!
Well, it would seem (according to Hervé, and frankly what does he know) that people don't want to talk bout fudge cake, huh! So looks like, and I'm sorry bout this, but we're gonna be talking bout women.
Women In Comics

Well, I have a couple of issues with women in the comic medium that have been bugging me for a while, so here you go.
Heroin or Man with Breasts
Ladies, ladies, back off, don't hurt me…….let me explain.
What I mean by this is, it would seem that a lot of female characters have lost their femininity. They are jus portrayed as men in different bodies. Writers have gotten lazy. What we get now is generic women beating people up, taking power, typical fare that you'll find in other books.
What would be good is maybe take things from a different slant. Have her use her mind instead of guns and stuff and I don't mean sleep her way to her goal. It's just that there are more ways to reach an objective than violence!?!
Where are your clothes
The other thing that has always bugged me is that virtually every woman in comics has a phobia to clothes and extremely large breasts.
What the hell is the deal with this? I mean don't women take offence, no wonder they don't want to read comics!?!
And come on guys, are you telling me you pick up comics jus to ogle women, cause some artists/editors must think that we go grab a box of kleenex as soon as we step out the shop!?!

I think women can look (mostly) sexier the more they have on. It's the way they carry themselves, not what they have on. And why is there this theory that breasts make a woman? Like everything people come in many different forms, so why not show that.
Make women in comics more about the inner character rather than the outer superficial façade!
And Now!
So basically, I'm opening this up to all you cats.
Let me know your views are on women in comics. Do you think they should wear more clothes? Do you think that writers have forgotten what the essence of a women actually is?
Well, whatever your views are, drop me a mail at;
And see yourself in print (well, on the web) in next weeks column.
Koncise an out :)
Whatever your views are though, drop me a mail at;