Comics News
Comic Book Convention Promoters Have Their Own Apps!
By The Editor
November 21, 2010 - 12:46
As users rely more on their smartphones, many expect to be able to quickly browse through the entire scheduled events of a comic book convention they plan to attend on their devices at their whenever they feel like it. The problem is that developing an app for one comic book convention that lasts just a few days is quite expensive. This is where the ComicBookBin apps published by The Comic Book Bin can help.
Comic Book Bin publisher Hervé St-Louis says "The ComicBookBin apps have been fully capable of listing full comic book events and activities within them since they were built. We already tested them on the 2010 San Diego ComicCon and the 2010 Calgary ComicCon. The San Diego Con had over 500 events that we listed. The Calgary ComicCon had about a 100. We were told by many many users that the apps were quite useful and helpful"
The ingenuous part of the ComicBookBin apps is that they support three smartphone platforms that cover many smartphone users. There is an app for iOS which covers the iPhone, the iPod Touch and the iPad. There is an app for Android which covers every Droid device and much more. There is also full support for every device running HP webOS.
Users can even add scheduled events and activities to their Calendar apps and through that, their iCal and Google Calendar. St-Louis says "The way we've built each of these apps makes it a very uniform and streamlined way to list information. With our very affordable listing fee - $3 per listing, there is no comic book convention organizer that can't afford to use our listings. All they need to do after that is let their users know that they can download our ComicBookBin apps - which are free on all platforms and keep up to date the convention they want to attend."
The listing service is way cheaper than developing and app from scratch and there are already several thousands users of the ComicBookBin apps out there.
For more information on this service, visit http://www.comicbookbin.com/appservices.html or to book the service call The Comic Book Bin at 1-800-498-4436.
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