Comics News
Joe Shuster Awards for Canadian Comics 2009 Nominees
By The Editor
April 3, 2009 - 05:11
From coast to coast, Canada is home to many of the comic book industry's top talents. The JOE SHUSTER AWARDS are a way of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of these Canadian creators - past, present and future. Since their establishment in 2004, the JOE SHUSTER CANADIAN COMIC BOOK CREATOR AWARDS have been Canada's national awards program for recognizing the outstanding achievements of Canadian comic book creators, publishers and retailers. The awards are named after pioneering Toronto-born artist Joe Shuster who, along with writer Jerry Siegel, created the iconic super-powered hero, Superman.
Between January and March 2009, the Nominees were selected from master lists of eligible works originally published in English and/or French in 2008. Canadian citizens living at home or abroad, as well as permanent residents were eligible for consideration. Now that the list of nominees has been finalized, nominated creators will have their work reviewed by a jury, who will ultimately decide the winners. Winners will be announced at a public ceremony in Toronto on June 27th, 2009.
JOE SHUSTER AWARDS 2009 NOMINEES for Work Published in 2008
* Marc Delafontaine - Les Nombrils, Tome 3 : Les liens de l'amitié (Dupuis)
* Dale Eaglesham - Justice Society of America #12, 14-15, 18-22 (DC Comics)
* David Finch - Ultimatum #1-2 (Marvel Comics)
* Karl Kerschl & Serge LaPointe - Teen Titans: Year One #1-6 (DC Comics)
* Jacques Lamontagne - Les Druides, Tome 4 : La Ronde des Géants (Soleil Productions)
* Steve McNiven - Amazing Spider-Man #546-548, Wolverine #66-70 (Marvel Comics)
* Steve Rolston - Emiko Superstar (DC/Minx), "Familiar" - House of Mystery #4 (DC/Vertigo), You Ain't No Dancer #3 (New Reliable Press)
* Stephen Sadowski - Avengers/Invaders #1-7 (Marvel Comics/Dynamite Entertainment), Superpowers #0 (Dynamite Entertainment), Jack the Lantern: Ghosts #2 (Castle Rain Entertainment)
* Grégoire Bouchard - Vers les Mondes Lointains (Paquet)
* Darwyn Cooke - "Chapter X: The Greater Good" Justice League: The New Frontier Special #1, The Spirit #12 (DC Comics)
* Francis Descharnais - Burquette (Les 400 coups)
* Jean-Paul Eid - Des tondeuses et des hommes (La Pastèque)
* Michael Gagne - "The Saga of Rex" Chapter 4 - Flight Vol. 5 (Ballantyne Books)
* Faith Erin Hicks - The War at Ellsmere (Slave Labor Graphics)
* Jeff Lemire - Essex County Vol. 3: The Country Nurse (Top Shelf)
* Seth - "Thoreau MacDonald" Kramer's Ergot 7 (Buenaventura Press)
* Dave Sim - Glamourpuss #1-4, Judenhaas (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
Colourist/Dessinateur Couleur
* Jean-Francois Beaulieu - G.I. Joe: America's Elite 31-36, Voltron: A Legend Forged 1 (Devil's Due), Marvel Zombies 3 #1-3, Wonderful Wizard of OZ #1, X-Men: Divided We Stand #1, X-Men Legacy #215 (Marvel Comics)
* Blond - Team 14 #1 (Digital Webbing), Freshman: Summer Vacation Special #1, Magdalena/Daredevil #1, True Blood: The Great Revelation NN, Witchblade: Takeru Manga #11-12 (image/Top Cow), Ultimate Fantastic Four #50-59 (Marvel Comics), Beyond Wonderland #4, Grimm Fairy Tales 2008 Annual (Zenoscope)
* Chris Chuckry - Brave and the Bold #17-18, Countdown to Mystery #4-8, Simon Dark #4-7, Two Face: Year One #1-2 (DC Comics), Air 1-5 (DC/Vertigo), G.I. Joe #0 (Devil's Due), Comic Book Tattoo (image), Amazing Spider-Man #546, 565-567, newuniversal: Shockfront #1-2, The Twelve #1-8 (Marvel Comics)
* Maryse Dubuc - Les Nombrils, Tome 3 : Les liens de l'amitié (Dupuis)
* Nathan Fairbairn - Fear Agent 21 (Dark Horse), Pilot Season: The Core #1 (image/Top Cow), Civil War: House of M #3, Guardians of the Galaxy #1-3, Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? NN, Wolverine: Origins #31, X-Men: Divided We Stand #2, X-Men: Kingbreaker #1, X-Men Legacy #217, X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1, 3, Young Avengers Presents #1 (Marvel Comics), Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen #3 (Oni Press)
* Lovern Kindzierski - Sandman: The Dream Hunters #1-2 (DC Comics), The Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons #1-2 (Devil's Due), Coraline (HarperCollins), Giant-Size Incredible Hulk #1 (Marvel Comics)
* François Lapierre - "Gédéon et la bête du lac" Contes et légendes du Québec (Glénat Québec), Magasin général 4 (Casterman)
* Dave McCaig - Star Wars: Dark Times #11-12 (Dark Horse), Action Comics #861-863, Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge #1-3. Joker's Asylum: The Penguin #1, JSA Classified #35-37 (DC Comics), Family Dynamic #1-2 (DC/Johnny DC), House of Mystery #4, Northlanders #2-8, 11-2 (DC/Vertigo), Broken Trinity: Angelus #1, First Born: Aftermath #1, Pilot Season: The Core #1 (image/Top Cow), Fantastic Four Cosmic Size Special #1, Secret Invasion X-Men #1-4, Ultimate Iron Man II #3-5 (Marvel Comics), Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen #2 (Oni Press)
* Ian Boothby - Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #14, Bongo Comics Free-For-All 2008, Futurama #35-39, Simpsons Comics #136, 141, 148, Simpsons Summer Shindig #1, Simpsons Super Spectacular #7 (Bongo Comics)
* Cecil Castellucci - Janes in Love (DC/Minx)
* Darwyn Cooke - "Dragster Riot starring Robin the Boy Wonder", "Wonder Woman and Black Canary" Justice League: The New Frontier Special #1, Superman Confidential 11 (DC Comics)
* Maryse Dubuc - Les Nombrils, Tome 3 : Les liens de l'amitié (Dupuis)
* Ray Fawkes - The Apocalipstix (Oni Press)
* François Lapierre - "Gédéon et la bête du lac" Contes et légendes du Québec (Glénat Québec)
* Mariko Tamaki - Emiko Superstar (DC/Minx), Skim (Groundwood Books)
* J. Torres - The Family Dynamic #1-3, Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century #11, 13, 17-19, Teen Titans Go! #51-55 (DC/Johnny DC), Wonder Girl #5-6 (DC Comics)
* Adrian Alphona - Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Season Two #1 Variant (Marvel Comics)
* Darwyn Cooke - The Spirit #12 (DC Comics)
* Marc Delafontaine - Les Nombrils, Tome 3 : Les liens de l'amitié (Dupuis)
* Dale Eaglesham - Justice Society of America #14 Variant (DC Comics)
* David Finch -Amazing Spider-Man #572 Variant (Marvel Comics)
* Philippe Girard - Les Ravins (Mécanique Générale)
* Niko Henrichon - Hostile Tome 1 (Dupuis)
* Steve McNiven - Kick-Ass #1 Variant (Marvel Comics)
* Dean Motter - Mister X: The Condemned #1 (Dark Horse)
* David Sim - Glamourpuss #4 Zombie Variant (Aardvark-Vanaheim)
Webcomics/Bandes Dessinées Web
* Kate Beaton - Hark! A Vagrant http://harkavagrant.com
* Michael Cho – Papercut http://www.transmission-x.com/_papercut
* Lar De Souza & Ryan Sohmer - Least I Could Do http://www.leasticoulddo.com / Looking for Group http://www.lfgcomic.com/
* Kathryn & Stuart Immonen - Moving Pictures http://www.immonen.ca/comics
* Karl Kerschl - The Abominable Charles Christopher http://www.abominable.cc
* Gisele Lagace - Menage A 3 http://www.menagea3.net/
* Ramón K. Pérez– Kukuburi http://www.kukuburi.com / Butternut Squash (w/Robert Coughler) http://www.butternutsquash.net
* Cameron Stewart - Sin Titulo http://www.sintitulocomic.com/
* Aardvark-Vanaheim
* Arcana Studio
* Conundrum Press
* Drawn & Quarterly
* La Pastèque
* Les 400 Coups/Mécanique Générale
* Red 5 Comics
* Udon Entertainment
Artist, Cartoonist, Colourist & Writer Nominees selected by: Jay Bardyla (Happy Harbor Comics), Éric Bouchard (Librarie Monet), Laurent Boutin (Librarie Planète BD), Ty Buttars (blogger and collector), Martin Dubé (Librarie Fichtre!), Rachelle Goguen (Strange Adventures, Living Between Wednesdays), Francis Hervieux (journalist and collector), Jonathan Kuehlein (The Toronto Star), Robin McConnell (Inkstuds podcast), Shawna Roe (Happy Harbor Comics) and the Vincent Massey College Comic Book Club (Montreal) under the direction of Mr. Steven Bakos. Coordinators: Kevin A. Boyd (English publications) and Francis Hervieux (French publications).
Cover Nominees selected by Éric Bouchard (Librarie Monet), Laurent Boutin (Librarie Planète BD), Kevin A. Boyd, Martin Dubé (Librarie Fichtre!), Peter Fisico (All New Comics), Robert Haines, Francis Hervieux (journalist and collector), Jason Truong and James Waley. Additional input provided by Ty Buttars (blogger and collector), and Rachelle Goguen (Strange Adventures, Living Between Wednesdays). Coordinators: Kevin A. Boyd (English publications) and Francis Hervieux (French publications).
Webcomics Nominees selected by the CCBCAA Executive. Coordinators: Kevin A. Boyd and Scott Townsend.
Publisher Nominees selected by Éric Bouchard (Librarie Monet), Laurent Boutin (Librarie Planète BD), Kevin A. Boyd, Allison Covey, Martin Dubé (Librarie Fichtre!), Peter Fisico (All New Comics), Francis Hervieux (journalist and collector), Jason Truong and James Waley. Coordinators: Kevin A. Boyd (English publications) and Francis Hervieux (French publications).
Comics for Kids / Bandes Dessinées pour Enfants
Nominees will be announced in early May 2009.
Gene Day Award for Canadian Self-Publishers / Le Prix Gene Day pour Éditeurs Direct Canadian de Bandes Dessinées
Submissions from self-publishers will be accepted until May 18, 2009. Please visit http://joeshusterawards.com/2009-awards-sat-june-27/gene-day-award-for-canadian-self-publishers/ for full details. The winner of the Gene Day Award also receives a $500 Bursary.
The Harry Kremer Award for Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Retailer /Le Prix Harry Kremer pour Détaillant Exceptionnel Canadien de Bandes Dessinées
Nominations from retailers and the general public will be accepted until May 18, 2009.
Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame / Temple de la renommée Créateur Canadien de Bandes Dessinées
Four inductees will be announced in early May 2009.
Congratulations to all of the nominees and all of the eligible creators for another memorable year of great comics, both in print and online!
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