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Bra-Man #1
By Hervé St-Louis
August 8, 2006 - 06:43
Blind Ferret Entertainment
Writer(s): Ryan Sohmer
Penciller(s): Lar Desouza
Inker(s): Lar Desouza
Bra-Man is a vigilante whose specialty is improving people’s sex life. If he has to give you a tough love lecture on the value of protected sex, he will. He’s also a fine connoisseur of fine breasts and beautiful ladies. One could even say that beautiful woman are his kryptonite. Somewhere in the city, an evil doctor is telling patients that sexually transmitted diseases don’t exist and that’s unprotected sex is safe. It’s up to Bra-Man to investigate. Bra-Man has appeared as an online comic strip before being published as a comic book series.
This series is filled with sex jokes that aren’t offensive for the sensible mind. In fact they should appeal to teenagers with too much time and who don’t get enough sex. Adults will find the jokes mildly entertaining. About the safe sex lecture, Bra-Man has a funny way of preaching people to be safe that doesn’t sound like an after school special. In fact, schools should use Bra-Man as a way to teach about safe sex while not annoying students.
The story is straight forward, although we don’t know much about Bra-Man and the extent of his powers. Is he a lunatic or a serious super hero? Other elements are also left unclear, such as what is Bra-Man’s relationship with Oprah? Once the villain explains his evil plot, there’s not much left to interest readers. We know the following issue will be a big fight where everything will resolve itself at the end. That’s too bad because the concept of Bra-Man is fun. I hope the author will steer him in more provocative direction. People who love Bra-Man will enjoy Harry Johnson.
The artwork is fine and suitable for the comic book. The good girl art which is important for this type of series is well rendered with well endowed women. The characters are all caricatures and their facial expressions fun to look at. One thing that Bra-Man has going for itself is the fine inking by Desouza which is quite solid and gives the story much dynamism. This comic book is fine and a fun read for people who don’t like their comics to be too serious and like a little sexual innuendo.
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