Marvel Comics
Amazing Fantasy #1
By Koncise an out :)
September 13, 2004 - 09:16
Writer(s): Fiona Avery
Penciller(s): Mark Brooks
Inker(s): Jamie Mendoza & Victor Alazaba
Cover Artist(s): Mark Brooks

AMAZING FANTASY #1 - 3 pt. 1 (of 6)
She's fierce, she's sassy... she sticks to walls! AMAZING FANTASY #1 is where it all begins: Meet an all-new, all-different heroine! Fiona Avery (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and Mark Brooks (MARVEL AGE SPIDER-MAN) launch a surprising series of teen- friendly adventures set in the current Marvel Universe!
All through Wizard World Chicago, JoeQ was telling whoever would listen that this was one of their standout new books. I had the issues and now I'm back home, I thought I'd get my read on.
I am definitely impressed and don't doubt the hype! The first issue gave you a set-up, we find out who we're following (Anya), her situation and some other characters in the mix (Miguel). From there onwards we get to look upon Anya's life, within school and with her friends. We also see her initiation (you'll understand) and the world that has now opened up to her. Are Web Corp truly allies and who are The Wasps?
The characterisation is handled really well by Avery. This feels like teenagers, in speech and interaction. It's also nice to see a full spectrum of ethnicities within the story.
Mark Brooks straight away show's he's a perfect fit for this book! He gives it a youthful, dynamic edge and when he draws action, the high octane, kinetic feel just jumps out and hits you in the face. He has the great ability of being able to capture the essence of each character within their facial mannerisms. You can see within Anya, the precocious, feisty girl who won't let you push her around. Within her bestfriend Lynn you see a shier girl, but with a happiness and sense of loyalty that is huge. And Miguel seems very resolute & chivalrous. We are occasionally shown flashback scenes that are depicted in slightly hazed watercolour hues and are perfect for capturing what they do.
Even though the we have a change in art team with issue #3, Roger Cruz steps into pencil and Victor Alazaba takes up the inks, the book doesn't suffer, as the quality is still right up there.
Oh, the hair is rather Yu-Gi-Oh, but we'll let that slide lol
Report Card - B+
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