Through Candle Light Press (CLP), prolific writer/artist and cartoonist Carter Allen has produced a number of comic books and graphic novels. CLP is embarking on a line of art books and sketchbooks. The first is All These Worlds: The Artwork of Carter Allen.
In recent years, Allen busily produced several of graphic novels and comix titles using digital media, including And the Sky Turned White…, Atlanta, and the Dub Trub series. All These Worlds contains several examples of Allen’s color digital paintings, some featuring characters from his graphic novels. Allen is also an imaginative designer of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror creatures and characters. Allen includes a few examples of those drawings – done in marker, ink and watercolor, and pencil.
All These Worlds: The Artwork of Carter Allen is a nice primer, a well-designed and produced entry point into the world of a fertile imagination and productive creator.
This book is available for sale at