Entertainment has released its convention schedule for 2013 which covers a
total of 25 different conventions and cities, including two visits abroad in
both Canada and the United Kingdom. It’s the most comprehensive convention
schedule for the company to date. Zenescope’s writers, creators and
artists such as Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, Raven Gregory, Anthony Spay, Eric
Basaldua, Pat Shand and many others are expected to be present throughout many
of the company’s convention stops.
Over the past several years, Zenescope has maintained the most original and
sought-after convention exclusive covers in the industry. And this year the
company has raised the bar as it puts the lovely Zenescope ladies to work with
its “Work Force” theme for 2013. Eric Basaldua, Jamie Tyndall, Anthony Spay,
Elias Chatzoudis, Franchesco and other top industry talent will take turns
portraying Zenescope’s iconic and strong-willed female characters in a variety
of blue and white collar work environments in the pinup style that has elevated
Zenescope’s limited edition exclusives to be must-have collectibles.
Further, Zenescope has announced its new line of “Black Diamond” exclusive
variants. These rare covers are intended to reward the hardcore collectors and
fans that end up collecting all of them.
The first Black Diamond cover made its debut in January at Amazing Arizona
Comic Con and future Black Diamonds will debut at various, random conventions
throughout 2013. However, a specific release schedule and certain details about
the covers are still being kept under wraps. Those who miss their opportunity
to purchase these covers at the conventions can also look for them on
Zenescope’s official web store.
For more information, visit Zenescope’s Web site at www.zenescope.com or its
Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Zenescope.
Zenescope Entertainment was founded by Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco in 2005,
and has quickly grown into one of the top comic book and graphic novel
publishing companies in the world. Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales and
subsequent spinoff series such as Escape From Wonderland, Neverland and
The Piper, which put a dark twist on classic fables, are some of the
best-selling and longest-running original independent comic books on shelves
today. Zenescope's licensed titles include the on-going, critically acclaimed Charmed
series, based on the long-running popular television series, as well as Se7en
and Final Destination, based on New Line Cinema's successful film