Animé and Toons
Young Justice Season 2 Episode 15 – Mongul Threatens The Reach
By Hervé St-Louis
February 9, 2013 - 19:35
Mongul watching the trial of the Justice League on planet Rimbor is unhappy with the alleged plans of The Reach to capture the Earth. He decides to intervene by destroying the planet, with a little encouragement from Vandal Savage. Can the Justice League save the Earth from the Warworld artificial planet that controlled by Mongul?
This episode was incredible if not, a redundant one introducing a major Justice League villain, like Despero that has little play time as the series is about to end. It felt like Greg Weisman wanted to incorporate as many unique DC Comics villains before the series’ end in a few episodes. I like the political play of the various alien races and their responses to planet Earth falling in the hands of one side or another. At this point, I do have to question why the Justice League would send only the kids from Young Justice to deal with an unknown enemy like that? Why not reinforce their ranks with some other mature Justice Leaguer? I would have loved to see a fight between Captain Atom or even Captain Marvel and the Mongul. Where are the Flash, the Atom or even Plastic Man? And what about Green Lantern Guy Gardner? He would have been very useful here. I get it that there is little time to deal with all these possibilities and characters but it would have been fun had the creators tried.
Having said that, I really enjoyed seeing Doctor Fate as a major barrier to an attack by Mongul. It really shows that the League knows what it’s doing. As far as character build up, I like the banter between Bumblebee and Guardian, although both of their “hood” talk was annoying after a while. I still feel that characters like Batgirl and Wonder Girl get little development, although the latter kissed the original Roy Harper. Speaking of Arsenal, I’m glad that he’ll be the ace in the hole for the Justice League, as he escaped Blue Beetle’s attack. Oh yeah, Blue Beetle finally betrays the team. I wonder how Green Beetle faired with the Leaguers he was hanging with. I’m glad that The Reach took some major damage and I’m even more excited that Vandal Savage, like Lex Luthor, in the last episode seems to be double-crossing the aliens, while still being one step ahead of the heroes. I have a feeling that the bad guys will help save the day after all. What a weird concept!
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