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X #0 Review
By Andy Frisk
April 2, 2013 - 22:33
Publisher(s): Dark Horse Comics
Writer(s): Duane Swierczynski
Penciller(s): Eric Nguyen
Colourist(s): Michelle Madsen
Letterer(s): Richard Starkings, Comiccraft
Cover Artist(s): Raymond Swanland
"Pigs," the title of X #0's issue, tells the story of Arcadia's (a city very, very like the real world Detroit) vigilante hero X's war against the three kingpins that rule the city's organized crime. With deadly skill, X takes each one of them out until he makes his way to the head "pig" where he runs into some trouble. X is nothing if not persistent though, and in the end he always gets his man...
Another of Dark Horse Comics' old "Comic's Greatest World" (later more simply titled "Dark Horse Heroes") heroes sees new life in X #0. With the successful return of their most interesting and best Dark Horse Heroes character, Ghost, just recently, it was inevitable that X would be back in print. Can Barb Wire be far behind? Hopefully not. Much like the contemporary update that Kelly Sue DeConnick gave Ghost, Duane Swiercynski (who's also currently writing the new adventures of Bloodshot for Valiant Entertainment) brings X into the modern age of bloodily violent comics that should be suggested for mature readers. It's a gloriously gory debut issue for this contemporary version of X, and will undoubtedly continue to be glorious and gory for some time to come.
Artist Eric Nguyen brings Swiercynski's quiet but deadly hero, and his city, to dark, grainy, and grimy life. Arcadia is Gotham City rusted over and half depopulated. X himself gets a bit of an upgrade in the tough looks department as his suit is much more gritty looking than I remember it being back in the 1990s.
Overall, X #0 is a fitting return to solo issue status of one of Dark Horse Comics' legendary original heroes. Along with Ghost, X is going to help Dark Horse Comics up the ante on quality superhero comics. I for one can't wait for more...
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