Marvel Comics
X-Men Legacy #260.1 Review
By Andy Frisk
January 14, 2012 - 23:49
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Christos Gage
Penciller(s): David Baldeon
Inker(s): Jordi Tarragona
Colourist(s): Sonia Oback
Letterer(s): VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Artist(s): Mark Brooks
$2.99 US
Rogue, Gambit, Rachel Grey, Frenzy, Cannonball, Iceman, and Husk form the core group of X-Men to star in Christos Gage’s first issue on X-Men Legacy as the new series writer. Although the cast is slightly different, the focus remains on Rogue. One character that I’ve been pining for to take a larger role and move towards the forefront, my beloved Rachel Grey/Marvel Girl, is finally doing so. Granted, she is just one of a cast of several, but actually gets more action panel time here than she has over in Wolverine and The X-Men, at least yet. Rachel is one of the original “alternate/apocalyptic future scenario” characters, and still one of the best. Being “the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey from an alternate timeline” might be a cliché now in the world of The X-Men, but Rachel was the original, so it’s great to see her back in regular action. It’s also great to see the new school featured in another book. Anyone who’s read any of my reviews of the X-Family of books recently is well aware how much I love the “Gifted Youngster/School for Higher Learning” setting that made the X-Men what they are today as a franchise. It’s something that’s been sorely missing from the X-Men’s tales, and now that we have two books that focus on this aspect of the X-Men mythos, I couldn’t be happier.
I also couldn’t be happier with the way Gage plots and executes his first issue of X-Men Legacy. Following in the footsteps of Mike Carey as a writer on a long established title can be an intimidating task, but Gage appears up to this task. Putting his team of X-Men up against an old, and accidentally reawakened threat, is the perfect way for Gage to segue way from past to present, establishing continuity without confusing the reader, and provide an excellent opportunity for Rogue’s team to strut their stuff and defend the new school. Throughout, Gage mixes in the romantic and humorous elements that define the best X-Men stories. He also makes great use of his ability to excellently maintain the solid characterization that also is the hallmark of great X-Men stories. Yes, it looks like X-Men Legacy is going to remain a great monthly read, much like the rest of the X-Family of books currently are.
Artist David Baldeon does an excellent job on his side of the creative process on X-Men Legacy #260.1. His solid artistic style perfectly captures the necessary body language and facial expression so integral to the type of storytelling that the X-Men franchise thrives on. He also does a great job of bringing the new school to life and his costume detail (and background detail) are excellent. He also manages to make Iceman look unique, much like Nick Bradshaw has done over in Wolverine and The X-Men #4, without making him look like an indecipherable iceberg.
X-Men Legacy’s new direction, with its new setting at The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, is off to a great start under the direction of Gage and Baldeon. Here’s to hoping that this new creative team keeps X-Men Legacy on the right track. Somehow I think that they will.
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