Logan reveals a bit of a sentimental side as he takes Steve Rogers out for drinks in order to celebrate Steve’s recent resurrection. The two wax poetic on the nature of hope, strength, leadership, and most importantly friendship. This is Logan we’re talking about here though, so not mixing Steve up in the odd bar-fight (over Logan’s taste in jukebox music-“What you say about Hank, you sonuva—“) was never a forgone conclusion…Meanwhile, a host of Deathloks from the future are murdering no-name heroes and the parents of future super villains in order to alter the future (Terminator anyone?). Their next target just might be a certain resurrected Steve Rogers, but isn’t he technically not Captain America right now?

Jason Aaron, having just wrapped up his Ghost Rider stint with Ghost Riders: Heaven’s on Fire, is free to devote his considerable writing talents towards weaving the next big story arc in Wolverine Weapon X titled “Tomorrow Dies Today” (sounds like a James Bond flick title doesn’t it?). In this first chapter Aaron continues to make the best use of Wolverine, the character, in a long time. Logan’s a tough cookie, to say the least, and as Steve states he’s got “more blood on your hands then I’ll ever be comfortable with,” but Logan isn’t above getting a tad sentimental over the return of his friend. Logan is a hero, and a good man, no matter what his past (or body count) might say to the contrary. Aaron taps into this aspect of the character with humor and honor.
Garney’s work remains top notch. His strong anatomical work and eye for physical detail are perfectly suited to Wolverine as he is such a physically visceral character. His Deathloks are well drawn as well. When we get down to the real action next issue and Logan gets to put the ole’ slice and dice on the Deathloks, Garney will really get to cut loose like he did in the series’ first story arc.
Overall, Wolverine Weapon X continues to be the best place to enjoy quality, easily accessible, and fun stories about Wolverine/Logan the hero. Aaron’s great humor and insightful tales coupled with Garney’s fantastic art rank this series right up there with Marvel Comics’ best current ongoing series like Thor and Captain America.