Marvel Comics
Waid and Allred's Daredevil #17 Review
By Andy Frisk
August 16, 2012 - 00:18
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Mark Waid
Penciller(s): Michael Allred
Inker(s): MIchael Allred
Colourist(s): Laura Allred
Letterer(s): VC's Joe Caramagna
$2.99 US
Matt Murdock/Daredevil and his longtime partner in law Foggy Nelson are having issues with their legal partnership again. This is nothing new. The two have as much a storied history together as law partners as Matt and Elektra do as lovers. While Matt takes a walk to clear his head, he reminisces over one of his and Foggy's previous fights and the reconciliation of their friendship and law firm partnership brought about through an incredibly touching act that only the man who is Matt's best friend could accomplish.
Mark Waid, with special guest artists, the legendary Mike and Laura Allred, weaves yet another Eisner Award considerable story in Daredevil #17. An old argument between life long friends, a silly villain from Daredevil's rogue gallery, a video tape, a shyster research and development company, and Battlin' Jack Murdock's last fight all come together to tell the type of story that only Daredevil as a comic book and character can relate. Daredevil has always been a street level hero for the Marvel U, but as a character and concept he is also the street level man, i.e. the common man. His stories, in the hands of a master like Mark Waid, are the most believable, realistic, and therefore touching superhero stories ever.
Mike and Laura Allred's reputation proceeds them and their work in Daredevil #17 is nothing short of their brilliant pop art powerful work that we've all grown to love for decades now. While they aren't taking over as the artistic team on Daredevil for the long run, they will be drawing and coloring more Marvel U characters in the new future when they take over FF (Future Foundation).
With all the recent talk of 20th Century Fox losing the rights to Daredevil as a character, the rights reverting back to Marvel Studios, and the possibilities for future versions of an on-screen Daredevil based on Frank Miller stories now up in the air, it's easy to over look that Waid's run on Daredevil is shaping up to be even more thrilling and engaging than Miller's run was. Maybe Marvel Studios will have the foresight to look to Waid's Daredevil for inspiration instead. They could do way worse.
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