DC Comics
Voodoo #1
By Hervé St-Louis
September 29, 2011 - 23:01
Publisher(s): DC Comics
Writer(s): Ron Marz
Penciller(s): Sami Basri
Inker(s): Sami Basri
Colourist(s): Jessica Kholinne
Letterer(s): Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Artist(s): Sami Basri, Sunny Gho
$2.99 US
Priscilla is a topless bar dancer being investigated by two investigators. They know something about the sexy dancer that mesmerizes all the local soldiers and has become the most popular for patrons in the area. But what does the mix-race dancer of every man’s dream is hiding?
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. I went in cold turkey without reading a single description about it. I’m glad I did. For a few minutes, I was hoping that DC Comics was trying to revive the soap opera genre with a topless dancer. I was hoping we’d get something like Love and Rockets but with better artwork. It turns out the story of the sexy vixen next door is gonna have to wait and agents chasing the dancer have a mystery of their own to tell.
Exposition, not prescription, or something like that. Much of what Priscilla special and warrants the oversight of the agents is revealed in a brief couple of actions with one of the character explaining the whole plot to readers instead of letting the story reveal it for . Although how the information was presented was novel, it’s too bad that so much had to be spelled out instead of having the reader discover it over several issues.
The artwork is incredible. Basri draws the most gorgeous women. The men are not bad either. There’s a cinematic feel to his compositions. I have to mention the work of colourist Jessica Kholinne. She makes Basri’s already beautiful pieces stand out even more. Together, they have given an incredible feel for this series. As the story is not bad at all, although sill not fully developed, it’s up to this team to make sure this series about characters we’ve never read before survives. I highly recommend this series as it's a completely new concept and new characters that can only make the DC Comics universe richer.
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