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Unity #2 Review
By Andy Frisk
January 5, 2014 - 21:13
Publisher(s): Valiant Entertainment
Writer(s): Matt Kindt
Penciller(s): Doug Braithwaite
Colourist(s): Brian Reber
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Doug Braithwaite, Cary Nord, Travel Foreman with Len O'Grady
"Tipping points in history are hard to define and often debated. Eventually a moment is agreed upon," begins Toyo Harada's exposition of recent events, and possible future outcomes, if his estranged number one psiot Livewire (whose psiot power is tele-technopathy, meaning that she can communicate with any and all technology) doesn't join their Unity team and take down Aric and his X-O Manowar armor. History weighs heavy on Harada's mind as he fears the onset of World War III, which will definitely lead to a nuclear holocaust. Harada knows what a nuclear holocaust will do to the world since he is one of the few living beings left who witnessed the nuclear holocaust at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Livewire joins the fight, and has an even more powerful affect on the X-O Manowar armor than even Harada could have anticipated.
Harada's fear of a nuclear holocaust started by the Russians in retaliation to Aric's destruction of one of their nuclear subs might just be the reason that Harada mistakenly refers to the Russians as "The Soviets" on page two of Unity #2. Either that or writer Matt Kindt, noted for his intricate plots and meticulousness, actually nodded while writing Unity #2, OR there was an editorial error (which is more likely). Either way, it's an interesting Freudian slip (if it was even a Freudian slip on Kindt's behalf) because the last time that nuclear holocaust (at the hands of two willing superpowers) appeared immanent was when The Soviets still controlled Russia, and the Soviet Union still existed. For an issue of a comic book so highly interested and attuned to the the affects of key historical moments, and history in general, it's strange to see such an error. That is assuming, of course, the events of the Valiant U 2.0 are taking place in contemporary times. A fact that I'm pretty sure is the case though.
Either way, regardless of whether the use of the word Soviets to describe Russians was a mistake or not, Unity #2 manages to continue to build upon the take no prisoners events of issue #1. The deadly battle between the Unity Team and Aric takes place on the physical plane, as well as on what could really only be described as a technologically fueled astral plane. The results of which aren't surprising to the readers of Valiant 1.0, but of huge consequence to the characters of the Valiant 2.0's universe. Speaking of characters, Kindt continues to make his tales of alien space armors, super powered psiots, ancient eternal warriors, and time displaced barbarians interesting not because of the high sci-fi and action events he writes into Unity #2, but because of his characterization of said super powered psiots, ancient eternal warriors and time displaced barbarians.
Kindt, Braithwait and the rest of the artistic teams at Valiant Entertainment continue to deliver some of the most compelling sci-fi/superhero/supernatural comics on the market and Unity is quickly becoming the centerpiece of the whole bunch.
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