Marvel Comics
Uncanny Avengers #1 Review
By Alexander Jones
October 16, 2012 - 17:58
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Rick Remender
Penciller(s): John Cassaday
Inker(s): John Cassaday
Colourist(s): Laura Martin
Letterer(s): Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Artist(s): John Cassaday
$3.99 US
Uncanny Avengers is an incredible feat in of itself. It has incredible character work and art which is ironic, considering that the story the series fell out from, Avengers vs. X-Men, was written very unevenly. The series has a very wide focus because it plays into the Marvel Universe at large. Consequently, Uncanny Avengers has numerous disadvantages before the title even starts. However, Remender has a very strong script that embraces these disadvantages. The art by John Cassaday only makes things better. With a team that is so perfectly in tune with another, the art shines as much as the writing.
The issue opens with a great juxtaposition sequence between the madness of the villains and the Marvel universe fallout. A somber looking Wolverine stares into the portrait of Xavier. This image brings to mind the Astonishing X-Men title that Cassaday drew. Comparing the two, I see virtually no difference, which means you can expect superb artwork. The scenes with Havok build a new intensity and give purpose to the character being on the team. The idea of Havok being a saint is an angle that will hopefully play out through the comic. Thor also has a cringe inducing line of dialogue towards the opening of the comic. Eventually Thor, Captain America, and Havok team up, but the rest of the cast is nowhere to be found until the second act of the comic.
While The Scarlet Witch whisked away all of the Avengers and killed many mutants, her persecution by the X-Men feels slightly heavy handed. However, the animosity between Rogue and Scarlet Witch leads to some formidable dialogue. The slap delivered by Rogue is a bit much and paints her character in a strangely immature light. Thankfully an explosion bursts out which features the fantastically creepy group of villains brought to fruition by Remender's twisted mind. The last page is a haunting cliffhanger that will give a good scare. If this debut is any indication of what Uncanny Avengers will be then we may have something special among the Avengers titles.
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