Marvel Comics
Ultimate X-Men #85
By Zak Edwards
August 12, 2007 - 19:17
Publisher(s): Marvel Comics
Writer(s): Robert Kirkman
Penciller(s): Yanick Paquette
Ultimate X-Men #85
Ultimate X-Men is continuing to improve this month with part 2 of “Sentinels.” Kirkman is beginning to develop some of his more interesting points from the issue that was all cliffhangers a while back. The series is still in much need of something happening with all of these dangling plot lines, but it seems we are heading that way.
Issue 85 starts us off with Beast, a character revived some six months ago and then never heard from again. While personally opposed to the character’s revival, I’m glad to see that the idea is finally being put to use. The former X-Men still sitting at the Xavier mansion are remaining in the back seat of this arc, with only a brief encounter with Jean Grey to tell us things already spelled out for us. The whole scene with her is little more than a page filler, only serving to reiterate past thoughts while showing a female character in her skimpy pajamas. Fortunately, this scene is only about three pages, leaving the rest of the issue for the new underground X-Men team. While pretty much all they do is fight in this issue, it is cool to see them in action. Unfortunately, some get a lot more screen time than others. Where Wolverine dominates the fights, we barely see Psylocke or Angel. Other than that, the fights are fun to watch as Dazzler especially seems to shine. The later discussions about power rankings within the team feel cruel, as the members talk about the uselessness of a couple of characters. Bishop seems to have a certain reason for taking this specific team, so watching each character fit into the puzzle will be interesting. The issue is an improvement from the last, but mostly because the opportunity for characters to talk their way into contradictions was unable to take place. But whether this series is headed to a new high or merely taking a break from its lows is yet to be determined.
The art continues to improve, with Paquette’s pencils becoming smoother and more dynamic. His handling of the fight scenes is exciting, mixing high energy explosions with cool close shots of combat combat. The characters are maintaining their unique appearances in a new way thanks to the different costumes, overall the art is improving along with the writing. Things are definitely looking up all-round for this title.
6/10 The series is improving.
Fel free to let me know your opinion at zak@comicbookbin.com. Thanks.
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